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Tutorial: Creating Your First QA Pipeline with Retrieval-Augmentation

This tutorial uses Haystack 2.0. To learn more, read the Haystack 2.0 announcement or visit the Haystack 2.0 Documentation.


This tutorial shows you how to create a generative question-answering pipeline using the retrieval-augmentation ( RAG) approach with Haystack 2.0. The process involves four main components: SentenceTransformersTextEmbedder for creating an embedding for the user query, InMemoryBM25Retriever for fetching relevant documents, PromptBuilder for creating a template prompt, and OpenAIGenerator for generating responses.

For this tutorial, you’ll use the Wikipedia pages of Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as Documents, but you can replace them with any text you want.

Preparing the Colab Environment

Installing Haystack

Install Haystack 2.0 and other required packages with pip:


pip install haystack-ai
pip install "datasets>=2.6.1"
pip install "sentence-transformers>=3.0.0"

Enabling Telemetry

Knowing you’re using this tutorial helps us decide where to invest our efforts to build a better product but you can always opt out by commenting the following line. See Telemetry for more details.

from haystack.telemetry import tutorial_running


Fetching and Indexing Documents

You’ll start creating your question answering system by downloading the data and indexing the data with its embeddings to a DocumentStore.

In this tutorial, you will take a simple approach to writing documents and their embeddings into the DocumentStore. For a full indexing pipeline with preprocessing, cleaning and splitting, check out our tutorial on Preprocessing Different File Types.

Initializing the DocumentStore

Initialize a DocumentStore to index your documents. A DocumentStore stores the Documents that the question answering system uses to find answers to your questions. In this tutorial, you’ll be using the InMemoryDocumentStore.

from haystack.document_stores.in_memory import InMemoryDocumentStore

document_store = InMemoryDocumentStore()

InMemoryDocumentStore is the simplest DocumentStore to get started with. It requires no external dependencies and it’s a good option for smaller projects and debugging. But it doesn’t scale up so well to larger Document collections, so it’s not a good choice for production systems. To learn more about the different types of external databases that Haystack supports, see DocumentStore Integrations.

The DocumentStore is now ready. Now it’s time to fill it with some Documents.

Fetch the Data

You’ll use the Wikipedia pages of Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as Documents. We preprocessed the data and uploaded to a Hugging Face Space: Seven Wonders. Thus, you don’t need to perform any additional cleaning or splitting.

Fetch the data and convert it into Haystack Documents:

from datasets import load_dataset
from haystack import Document

dataset = load_dataset("bilgeyucel/seven-wonders", split="train")
docs = [Document(content=doc["content"], meta=doc["meta"]) for doc in dataset]

Initalize a Document Embedder

To store your data in the DocumentStore with embeddings, initialize a SentenceTransformersDocumentEmbedder with the model name and call warm_up() to download the embedding model.

If you’d like, you can use a different Embedder for your documents.

from haystack.components.embedders import SentenceTransformersDocumentEmbedder

doc_embedder = SentenceTransformersDocumentEmbedder(model="sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")

Write Documents to the DocumentStore

Run the doc_embedder with the Documents. The embedder will create embeddings for each document and save these embeddings in Document object’s embedding field. Then, you can write the Documents to the DocumentStore with write_documents() method.

docs_with_embeddings = doc_embedder.run(docs)

Building the RAG Pipeline

The next step is to build a Pipeline to generate answers for the user query following the RAG approach. To create the pipeline, you first need to initialize each component, add them to your pipeline, and connect them.

Initialize a Text Embedder

Initialize a text embedder to create an embedding for the user query. The created embedding will later be used by the Retriever to retrieve relevant documents from the DocumentStore.

⚠️ Notice that you used sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model to create embeddings for your documents before. This is why you need to use the same model to embed the user queries.

from haystack.components.embedders import SentenceTransformersTextEmbedder

text_embedder = SentenceTransformersTextEmbedder(model="sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")

Initialize the Retriever

Initialize a InMemoryEmbeddingRetriever and make it use the InMemoryDocumentStore you initialized earlier in this tutorial. This Retriever will get the relevant documents to the query.

from haystack.components.retrievers.in_memory import InMemoryEmbeddingRetriever

retriever = InMemoryEmbeddingRetriever(document_store)

Define a Template Prompt

Create a custom prompt for a generative question answering task using the RAG approach. The prompt should take in two parameters: documents, which are retrieved from a document store, and a question from the user. Use the Jinja2 looping syntax to combine the content of the retrieved documents in the prompt.

Next, initialize a PromptBuilder instance with your prompt template. The PromptBuilder, when given the necessary values, will automatically fill in the variable values and generate a complete prompt. This approach allows for a more tailored and effective question-answering experience.

from haystack.components.builders import PromptBuilder

template = """
Given the following information, answer the question.

{% for document in documents %}
    {{ document.content }}
{% endfor %}

Question: {{question}}

prompt_builder = PromptBuilder(template=template)

Initialize a Generator

Generators are the components that interact with large language models (LLMs). Now, set OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable and initialize a OpenAIGenerator that can communicate with OpenAI GPT models. As you initialize, provide a model name:

import os
from getpass import getpass
from haystack.components.generators import OpenAIGenerator

if "OPENAI_API_KEY" not in os.environ:
    os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = getpass("Enter OpenAI API key:")
generator = OpenAIGenerator(model="gpt-3.5-turbo")

You can replace OpenAIGenerator in your pipeline with another Generator. Check out the full list of generators here.

Build the Pipeline

To build a pipeline, add all components to your pipeline and connect them. Create connections from text_embedder’s “embedding” output to “query_embedding” input of retriever, from retriever to prompt_builder and from prompt_builder to llm. Explicitly connect the output of retriever with “documents” input of the prompt_builder to make the connection obvious as prompt_builder has two inputs (“documents” and “question”).

For more information on pipelines and creating connections, refer to Creating Pipelines documentation.

from haystack import Pipeline

basic_rag_pipeline = Pipeline()
# Add components to your pipeline
basic_rag_pipeline.add_component("text_embedder", text_embedder)
basic_rag_pipeline.add_component("retriever", retriever)
basic_rag_pipeline.add_component("prompt_builder", prompt_builder)
basic_rag_pipeline.add_component("llm", generator)

# Now, connect the components to each other
basic_rag_pipeline.connect("text_embedder.embedding", "retriever.query_embedding")
basic_rag_pipeline.connect("retriever", "prompt_builder.documents")
basic_rag_pipeline.connect("prompt_builder", "llm")

That’s it! Your RAG pipeline is ready to generate answers to questions!

Asking a Question

When asking a question, use the run() method of the pipeline. Make sure to provide the question to both the text_embedder and the prompt_builder. This ensures that the {{question}} variable in the template prompt gets replaced with your specific question.

question = "What does Rhodes Statue look like?"

response = basic_rag_pipeline.run({"text_embedder": {"text": question}, "prompt_builder": {"question": question}})


Here are some other example questions to test:

examples = [
    "Where is Gardens of Babylon?",
    "Why did people build Great Pyramid of Giza?",
    "What does Rhodes Statue look like?",
    "Why did people visit the Temple of Artemis?",
    "What is the importance of Colossus of Rhodes?",
    "What happened to the Tomb of Mausolus?",
    "How did Colossus of Rhodes collapse?",

What’s next

🎉 Congratulations! You’ve learned how to create a generative QA system for your documents with the RAG approach.

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